Circular Economy: new rules adopted in the EU

On 22 May 2018, EU Council adopted the Circular Economy Package which will apply throughout the European Union. Earlier, on 18 April 2018, the Package had been formally agreed to by the European Parliament. The Package lays down recycling targets and other requirements over the forthcoming years, setting binding requirements and strict rules on waste management. The main features of the Package are as follows (example are provided for products involved in Ecosign project: textile, packaging, electrical&electronical):

  • New separate collection rules. For example: textile waste will have to be collected separately by 2025. NB: the Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (the WEEE Directive) already sets down separate collection requirements since 2002.
  • Municipal waste will have to comply with the following recycling targets: 55% by 2025 and 65% by 2035.
  • No more than 10% landfilling will be allowed by 2035.
  • As for all packaging, 65% will have to be collected for recycling by 2025, with the proportion rising to 70% in 2030. Within that framework, there are mandatory recycling rates which vary according to type, with the 2030 targets ranging from 30% for wood-based packaging, to 85% for paper and cardboard. The figure for plastic packaging is set at 55%.

The text that will be soon published in the Official Journal of the EU, will enter into force 20 days after publication.

For further information, read the EU press release/Text of new directives: click here


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