str. Dinu Vintila, Nr.6, Cod 021102
Sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania
Website: www.bioresurse.ro
Mission of the National R&D Institute for Food Bioresources IBA–Bucharest is to meet the societal challenges by elaboration, implementation and dissemination of knowledge through research, education and services in the agrifood field. Research and innovation activities of IBA Bucharest have the main objective to increase the quality of life and wellbeing of people through offering healthy food and number of employees increasing within Romanian agrifood industry.
The strong connexion with industry and society and the support for national policy in the field development are specific objectives of the institute. The continuous professional training for increasing of IBAs researchers skills will lead to high added values, know-how and scientific knowledge for a better Europe.
A. The scientific activity has been developed in the following fields:
- Food safety, food preservation, food contaminants, food packaging.
- Food nutrition influence of diet on health, food intolerance (coeliac disease and phenylketonuria), functional food.
- Food (bio)technologies
- Consumer sciences
B. Services:
Survey, monitoring and certifying food supplements for trading;
Laboratory tests for industry and research;
Technical Assistance;
Competence evaluation;
Proficiency tests;
Laboratory equipment tests;
Pilot scale tests;
Microproduction (cereals, meat, frut and vegetables).