Website: www.ecoevalind.org
ECOEVALIND is a professional-scientific non-governmental, independent, non-profit organization, with legal personality, and its head office is in ROMANIA, BUCHAREST. The mission of the Association is to initiate and promote actions and projects which contribute to the prevention, evaluation, monitoring and combating of the negative effect to the environment of the activities developed in the industrial field, and also, to support, inform, train and assist all the industrial operators, in order to implement the environment management system.
The members of the association are, around 450 specialists, environmental auditors and evaluators, and also juridical persons, which have at least one environmental evaluator and one auditor as employees. Members of the organization have experience in environmental protection, but also in project management, in implementing the documentation for environmental, quality and occupational health management, in conducting environmental assessments and other specific works for the environment protection sector.
The association is structured on two organizational levels: central level and subsidiaries.
ECOEVALIND was partner of the strategic project ’’Qualification and certification of competences for a sustainable development “, financed by the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government, through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development.