Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training,
Kajuhova 32U, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Email: info@cpi.si
Website: www.cpi.si/en/
Center Republike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje (CPI), the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training is the central national institution in the field of vocational education and training. It was founded in 1995 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (The Ministry of Education and Sports, The Ministry of Labour, Family,Social Affairs and Equal opportunities); its co-founders were the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship of Slovenia.
It is responsible for linking social partners, and provides support in developmental, research, implementing and systemic processes that contribute to the quality of vocational education and training for the citizens of Slovenia in the context of lifelong learning. The CPI thus contributes to the development of individuals and society as a whole.
The basic tasks of the institute include creation of methodology platforms for development VET in Slovenia. Institute employs highly qualified experts in the field of occupational standards development, curriculum development, training the trainers, production of training materials and evaluation and monitoring of education system. The work of the Institute deals with following areas:
- development of National qualification framework in line with European Qualification Framework
- studies on development trends in the labour market,
- preparation of occupational standards which forms a basis for the preparation of competence based curricula
- training of the advisors in the process for recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning
- development of methodologies for module structured and competence and outcomes based curricula for secondary vocational education and training (2 year, 3 year and 4 year VET curricula)
- development of new assessment approaches (instruments for competence assessment and instruments for prior learning assessment)
- monitoring and evaluation of curricula, final exams and didactical approaches
- in-service teacher training, training and school management
- development of quality assurance in Education system in Slovenia
- development of credit system in line with ECVET
- providing guidance and counselling to the schools in the process of new curricula implementation
- international cooperation with different EU institutions.
The CPI’s experience and activities are confirmed at the national and international levels through its inclusion in networks that develop and introduce tools across the European Union. The CPI is hosting the National Europass centre, Slovenian centre for assuring VET quality SIQA-VET and the National reference point, which provides information on the VET system. The CPI prepares reports for CEDEFOP network REFER-NET and a national representative for EUROSKILLS. Since 2009, the CPI is also a national coordination point for EQF and leaded the project for developing the Slovenian Qualifications Framework.
The CPI’s experts are respected at home and abroad, and work with other domestic and foreign experts in various national and international projects. In this way, they enhance their knowledge and gain experiences that contribute to the professional and broader development of the CPI.